Shapeoko 4 Pro CNC Router
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Shapeoko 4 Pro CNC Router

SKU # 523-0004DS
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Size: Standard

Cutting Area: 17.5"(X) x 17.5"(Y) x 4"(Z)

Footprint: 33" (X), 24" (Y), 19" (Z)

Shapeoko 4 Pro CNC Router is a quality CNC router that comes with everything you need to accurately cut wood, plastic, and aluminum so you can turn your workbench into a business.

15mm Linear Rails Linear rails provide greater rigidity than the V-wheels used on the Shapeoko 4 so you can push Shapeoko Pro harder for more productivity.

NOTE: All Shapeoko products ship directly from the manufacturer.

15mm Belts Our new, wider belts are over 60% stiffer than the 9mm belts used in Shapeoko 3.

Inductive Homing Switches No moving parts and no contact mean these switches are more durable in even the roughest environments.

New Electronics A shop is a difficult place for precision equipment but our new V3 electronics are more resistant to electromagnetic interference and static discharge than ever.

Integrated T-slot Table The Hybrid Table on Shapeoko 4 gives you almost unlimited workholding options right out of the box.

Fully-Supported Y Extrusions Our extrusions have always been overbuilt, even for a much bigger machine, but the Y extrusions are now fully supported by the Hybrid Table, making Shapeoko 4 a much more rigid machine than anything we've ever made before.

Integrated BitSetter The BitSetter makes tool changes a breeze. You'll never want to go back to a machine without it.

Leadscrew-Driven Z-axis Shapeoko 4 uses our Z-Plus Z-axis assembly that's leadscrew-driven with heavy-duty linear bearings.

Dust Boot Included Our Sweepy 65mm V2 Dust Boot is included with Shapeoko 4; there's nothing more to buy.

Materials to Cut.

Wood: All types of wood.

Plastic: Most plastics, including: ABS, Acrylic, Polycarbonate, Delrin, HDPE, PEEK, PVC.

Metals: Aluminum, Brass, Copper (Some alloys are more suitable for machining).


Shapeoko 4 Pro.

T-slot Hybrid Table.

Shapeoko Pro BitSetter.

Carbide Motion control software.

Carbide Create 2D CAD/CAM software.

Assembly tools.

#201 .25" Flat Endmill.

Qty 12, M6 Teez-Nutz T-Nuts.

Qty 6, Shapeoko Essentials Clamps.

Sweepy 65mm V2.

4, 30 minute 1-on-1 training sessions with a Carbide 3D expert via video chat - Must Contact Dealer.

CAD/CAM Software is Included All Carbide 3D machines include Carbide Create, our full-featured 2D design and machining program, saving you hundreds of dollars on third-party software.

Manufacturers Warranty.

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