56 1/8" Band Saw Blades
Olson Wood Band 56 1/8" Bandsaw Blades are the standard general purpose blades used by most woodworkers. Features hard and durable teeth (62-63Rc) with a soft flexible carbon-back body that will curve around your saw wheels without breaking. Use these heavy-duty hard edge blades to cut hard and soft woods, plastic, mild steel and non-ferous metals. Made in USA.
Hook Tooth: Positive 10°: rake angle helps to aggressively dig-in, resulting in a faster cutting rate than the Skip Tooth. Recommended for long cuts into thicker wood, hard wood, plastic and metal.
Olson Bandsaw Blades How to and Tips
SKU # 654-5601
SKU # 654-5605
SKU # 654-5608
SKU # 654-5610