Satellite City NCF Quick Accelerator for CA Glues - 6 oz
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Satellite City NCF Quick Accelerator for CA Glues - 6 oz

SKU # 447-6056
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Satellite City NCF Quick Accelerator for CA Gluesis the best you will find anywhere. All of our accelerators dramatically decrease the curing time of the glue and force the glue to cure when it wouldn't otherwise, but NCF Quick is less expensive per ounce, has a more pleasant odor than the others, and comes in a convenient 6oz aerosol can for easy application. This accelerator is active for several minutes, so you can spray several pieces at once if you are making multiple bonds.

Apply with a quick push of the button- the accelerator is meant to flash off instantly, so if you are getting the part wet, you are applying too much. NCF Quick is plastic-safe and foam-friendly.

Note: Over-application of NCF Quick may cause some light colored granite varieties to discolor.

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