FGCI SuperClear Liquid Glass Epoxy 2-4 inch Deep Pour
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FGCI SuperClear Liquid Glass Epoxy 2-4 inch Deep Pour is absolutely unparalleled with a deep pour capability of 2-4 inches and gives you unmatched industry performance, convenience by eliminating 75% of your work, and the clearest finish you can get on the market today.
Deep Pur Epoxy 2-4 inch pours with ease. Our Superclear Liquid Glass Deep Pour Epoxy can be poured anywhere between 2-4" with ease!
Most durable epoxy on the market. SuperClear cures rock-hard, giving you unparalleled structural integrity, and is able to withstand years of wear & tear without a problem!
Bubble-Less Technology is a low viscosity formulation that effortlessly allows for bubbles to rise to the surface as it cures. Giving you a crystal clear finish every time!
Made in USA
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